On Trust, Hot Dogs, and Microphones


This is a Shure SM58.

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The Workhorse.
That’s what it is fondly referred to as in the music industry. It’s reliability, durability, sound quality and just overall usefulness on stage or in the studio have made it an iconic piece of equipment.

This is my Shure SM58.


It is not fondly referred to.

But I love it. I’ve had this one since I first began performing on stage decades ago and, as you can see, it is pretty beat up. I have a newer one, but this one makes me happy.

It has battle scars I’m proud of! It has been beat up, bled on, had all sorts of drinks spilt on it. It has been lost, found.

Used as a weapon once.

(Not by me!)

And it still sounds as good as when I got it thirty years ago.

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(Look at that baby!)

Almost every musician has at least one Shure SM58 in their gig bag for one simple reason…reliability.


You can be – Shure – that it will always work.

(see what I did there?)

And do you know what is even more amazing? The Shure SM58 is the exact same price today as it was thirty years ago! 99 bucks! As far as I can remember, it has always been 99 bucks!

This and a Costco hot dog might be the only things that have not gone up in price.


You know you want it.

There are fancier microphones, more expensive microphones, and – sure – there are better ones than the SM58 but honestly, you can get by your entire career with just this one. It’s a great mic!

And there are certainly better tasting food options than a Costco hotdog – I am not even saying they are any good – but sometimes, they are good enough.

And, similar to a Shure SM58, people have an emotional connection to them. There’s an element of nostalgia, comfort, trust.

We tend to go through our lives always needing to upgrade. I need more of this, a better version of that. I do it too.

But sometimes, just having something reliable, something you know and trust, something good enough is, well…good enough.

Why want for more?

Rock on. Till next time,
